A short post this week….Should kids watch what they eat?

I get asked this question often and a lot of parents wonder if they should closely watch what their kids eat. 

After all, most kids’ metabolisms make it so that they can eat… Pizza… burgers… fries… ice cream… and more… And they’ll stay skinny as twigs. 

The thing is, as they get older, their metabolisms start to catch up with them. 

But being overweight isn’t the biggest issue. The truth is, you can actually be overweight and healthy at the same time if you eat good foods. The biggest issues are things like cholesterol, blood pressure, and overall health. 

 If you give your kids guidelines now about what’s good and what isn’t… You’ll be doing them a favor when they’re older. Those habits will already be ingrained in them, and they can effortlessly be happy, healthy adults. 

So should you closely watch what your kids eat?   Well, use your own judgement. Let ’em have their fun with ice cream and candy.  But make sure you’re also building nutritional foundations that will stick for life. 

Nutrition only goes so far though. You need exercise too.